Before Echo Hills Cottages, there was “The Glenway House.” We were given the opportunity to transform a 3500 sq.ft house, in a great North Asheville neighborhood, into a shared home for up to five adults. This wonderful house was a near perfect canvas to co-create this win / win solution. It was easily transformed into three independent suites of 450 to 650 square feet, each with a full bath, along with a bedroom with shared bath. It also had a large amount of common space, including a kitchen/dining/living area with fireplace, a great screened in porch, and potential studio / shop space. At the time, the house had an owner that was excited about the opportunity to relieve the stress of a deflated real estate market while meeting the needs of a great group of people.

To insure the best possible experience for everyone, we established this household on a foundation that encourages healthy communication. We began with the Blueprint of We – for our relationship with the owner as well as the relationships between the residents. We facilitated monthly meetings with the residents, using the consent based decision making of Dynamic Governance (sociocracy) and the principles of compassionate communication. Laurie and I participated in this household until our cottage community project was up and running.