My energy has been focused on our development project since we broke ground at Echo Hills Cottages, leaving little left for blogging and other interests. I mentioned in my last post that we were switching gears from building our model home to working on the development issues. What I thought would be a couple months turned into the better part of a year dealing with city permitting, legal issues, and completing most of the infrastructure. I think we are almost there.
The development permitting is finished, our HOA agreements are in place, and the water and sewer extensions are ready to be connected to. We have our model home under contract, and the next house is permitted and we are just about ready to break ground. We also have a great core group of people involved in creating community, and are ready to add more people.
Now, after having the bulk of development issues dealt with, it’s time to get on to other things. Hopefully, you will hear more from me as we move along.