We’re moving along nicely with development of our “intentional” neighborhood. Three homes are completed and occupied. Another home is just about done and will be occupied by mid July. Our fifth is well on it’s way and we hope to have the owner in this fall.
Another current project is transforming our community house into a shared housing model, providing three individuals the opportunity to rent in our community. With the lower level self-contained studio suite occupied, we’re turning our attention to the main floor. By the first of August, 2017, the two bedrooms will be filled and we will continue the process of developing our relationships based on the principles and tools that we have been working on and putting into place as the foundation for this “intentional” neighborhood.

We will begin with each renter completing their own Blueprint of We. This will give us the foundation for creating the relationships we each are comfortable with, and assist us in navigating our shared space by aligning our values, needs and expectations. For me, there are three “tools” I’m very excited to begin using with our group. Those are Mindfulness, Conscious Communication and Heart Coherence. Of course, whenever we gather to discuss and work on decisions that need to be made, we’ll use the consent process of sociocracy.
Watch for future posts on our shared housing journey at Echo Hills.